Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fatty Boom-Bah to Gym Bunny - 13th February 2010

After a couple of disappointing weigh ins I was about to chuck it all in and curl up on the couch and eat a packet of chips.

But I've really been enjoying the gym. I'm running on the treadmill! Running! Me!

It's insane and probably not at all attractive but I make sure I use a treadmill that is not in line with the mirrors so that I can pretend I look like the tight little gym bunny that I feel like when I'm running on the treadmill.

So I thought I must have lost more weight than the scales are saying... maybe I've put on some muscle.alt

Got out the old measuring tape and compared measurements to some I had taken in December.

I've lost 5 centimetres from my tummy and 5 centimetres from my bust!!!! a centimetre off the hips and half to 1 centimetre from my thighs and arms.

I'm very happy with that!

So I will keep doing what I'm doing with weight watchers and the gym and one day I might actually look in the mirror when I'm running and be shocked to discover that I AM the tight little gym bunny that I feel like.

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