In this day and age we tend to look to the internet for support and advice for many things - including parenting.
Many mums are living away from their families or no longer have their mum with them so the old ways of getting help and support from your family and community get lost.
But I have seen blogs and forums - not just on kidspot, but on other parenting websites, where a mum in need will ask for advice and get nothing but judgement and attacks. It really is concerning. So much so that I'm sure I'm not the only one afraid to ask for advice on some things.
Being a mum, as we all know is not easy, and feeling guilty about not being the best mum in the universe comes with the territory, so the pressure we put on ourselves is bad enough, a bit of support from the so called sisterhood would be nice.
I guess it's the bad ones that stand out, as there are definatley more supportive people and lovely genuine types than the judgemental "my way is the best and only way" types. Those types are a bit more vocal though aren't they?
What is it about human nature that makes people think that their opinions are the be all and end all and that any other perspective is inferior or peverse even.
We are all different (thankfully) and have different lifestyles, different upbringings, different traumatic experiences, different ideas, different beliefs, and biologically different chemical makeup so we can't all breastfeed for eternity so shut up you judgemental boob nazis! (just one of my pet hates, this blog is not all about them but it's a good example)
I'm not as eloquent as I would like to be, so this blog may be a bit of a mess and may not even really put across what I am attempting to say.
sorry for the rambling vent session - I hope someone gets it.
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