Thursday, July 8, 2010

Why can't men remember birthdays - 3rd May 2009

Are men completely useless? I mean, when it comes to remembering birthday's and other special occasions I'm sure part of the man's brain is missing.
When my parents got divorced my dad asked mum for her birthday book so he could know when the days were... nice thought but he still managed to send my uncle a card on my nephew's birthday! Now Dad has a new wife and gets all the days right (thanks to her of course)
I seem to have a calendar in my head and a couple of weeks before a birthday I have to remind my man, "honey, it's your mum's birthday soon - have you thought about what you want to get her?" and I pretty much ask that until I force him to go shopping the week before and then I post the gift.
The reason I bring this up is recently my son turned one. Both my brothers forgot. both my brothers have two children each that have received gifts from me every birthday and christmas since their respective briths. It's not about the gift... it's the complete lack of acknowlegement.
So I ring my mum and bitch  to her about it - she has years of forgotten birthdays and mothers' days to add to the list of complaints about my brothers. But anyway, next time she sees them she casually mentions how she was upset that her skype was down on Millars RECENT birthday because she really wanted to talk to him. This passive agressive subtlety (that my family survives on) worked for one brother and a gift arrived the next week along with a present for me for my birthday a month later (getting in early this time to make up for it)
The other brother?....nothing.
So I kind of let it go because it was the first birthday so it's a new thing, and I do live in a different country than them...... But then my birthday arrived..... nothing from the useless other brother.
Am I right to be majorly pissed off?
I know what he's getting for his birthday, a birthday book with all the important dates written in for him.

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