Thursday, July 8, 2010

Daylight Robbery at the Makeup Counter - 8th May 2010

So - I've got a Myer card. a gift card.
I never ever shop at Myer - mainly due to the exorbitant prices and the overwhelming stench of pretention I smell when going near the store.
But I have a gift card so it's like free money and I'm pretty good at spending free money, and I do have a wedding coming up.. and I am doing my own makeup so I thought I might buy some new stuff.

I was browsing - as one does, and was set upon by a sales person disguised as a helpful lady.
I stupidly mentioned the word wedding and could almost hear the *kaching* sound in her head.
She sat me down and we started choosing colours.

She applied concealer, foundation, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascarra, blush and lipstick. I was impressed with the outcome.. the eyeliner was a bit dodgy but I'm sure it's hard to put eyliner on another person.

I thought to myself - I might just buy the lot and a couple of brushes and recreate this look - with better eyeliner work - at home on the big day.

Price was never mentioned..... until she rang it up at the register....
now, I'm not completely stupid - I wasn't expecting AVON prices so I was prepared to pay about $180.
So, maybe I AM completely stupid because she said... "ok, that comes to $401"


Look - it may be free money but I'm pretty sure that she was daylight burglarising my free money.

"um, no way" said I. "I'm sorry, but I had NO idea it would cost that much"
"I can pay someone to come to my house and do my hair and makeup for $120, so I didn't want to spend much more than that, I apologise, we should have discussed prices while you were piling it on my face"

As you can imagine, I was pretty embarrassed. alt

I asked to be told how much each item was so I could decide what to buy - somehow that didn't happen and I left with the foundation and the lipstick for $110.

I have NEVER spent $42 on a lippy.

Where do you buy your makeup? Are there items you pay more for and items you will only buy from a brand name?

personally - I'll keep my avon lady thanks.

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