Thursday, July 8, 2010

Paranormal Activity - 7th December 2009

Hubby and I watched the movie "Paranormal Activity" on Saturday night.

If you have seen the movie, you will understand why the next event has us perplexed and a little scared.

*cue scary music*
This morning I noticed the man hole in the laundry ceiling was open and the man hole cover was jammed into the hole diagonally. alt alt alt

at this point, those who haven't seen the movie are wondering what the problem is and will not understand the next sentence. Those who have seen the movie just got a shiver down their spine.

I did not send hubby up there to investigate however - I figured any singed photos of me as an 8 year old can stay exactly where they are thanks. He got up on a chair and put the cover back in place and we have spent the last hour trying to come up with plausible explanations as to why the man hole was uncovered in the first place.

1) it has been like this for some time and I only just noticed it due to watching the movie recently.
     This is unlikely, as I notice things like that, but is still the most plausible not scary explanation.

2) The wind or the ducting causing some kind of suction pressure and then downward pressure causing the lift of the cover and        then  the push down of the cover to jam it into place........ I'm not a phycist physist physisicist. I don't know much about physics but I think this might be unlikely.

3) My husband is playing tricks on me.
     this is too subtle to be a trick, there would be more. And he would have given up the ghost by now (so to speak).

4) Someone other than myself or hubby has been up in the roof.
     too scary to contemplate

5) we have a ghost. this ghost means no harm to us but has a sense of humour and is pissing it's pants right now with laughter.

I would like to think the last one is true. If anyone can come up with something more likely, please enlighten me.

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